Attractions in Kutai kartanegara

 Bangkirai Hill
 You missed the ambience of tropical rainforest that is still natural? Want to hear birds merdunya and true voices in the forest of wild animals? May Hill is a tourist destination You Bangkirai this time. Hoher miles 38, right on the highway-Soekarno-Hatta, Balikpapan-Samarinda. This is the natural tourism area of pristine natural forest covering an area of 1,500 hectares.

Not only will you enjoy the ecotourism but at the same time also means of environmental education and forestry, including their concern to the flora and fauna. Bangkirai Hill is an area which plays an important role in developing tropical wet forests in Borneo as the lungs of the Earth.

Here, those of you who like a challenge then obliged to try to pursue the Bridge heading that hung (canopy bridge). This bridge is the attraction when visiting the Hill of Bangkirai. Feel the sensation of walking on the bridge as high as 30 meters. The bridge Heading is made of wire, mesh-walled base boards and nylon strap on the left-and right. The height of the bridge about 30 yards with a long of 64 metres. This bridge connects the 5 tree Bangkirai which each distance tree with each other about 10 to 15 yards.

The bridge Heading on the Hill of Bangkirai was the first in Indonesia, both in Asia and the eighth in the world. Construction of the bridge was made in the United States with standard security for visitors. It was built in 1998, the bridge Heading specifically designed with wood and iron antikarat so strong 15 to 20 years.

Winds shake the Bridge Heading will make your pounding. For a moment, throw a glance down and around her then it will get a panoramic view of the amazing tropical rainforest green.

The tourist area of Bukit Bengkirai was inaugurated on March 14, 1998 by the Minister of forestry, IR. Djamalluddin Suryohadikusumo. In this vast area is equipped with (shelter) hut for rest and meals, Wildlife observation areas, jungle cabin, and mini canopy bridge which is the building of the nuanced nature and being in the forest. There are also sports facilities, campgrounds, as well as outbound activity.

In this area you can find trees that dominate the age bangkirai averaged more than 150 years. These amazing towering trees to skyscraper 40 to 50 metres with a diameter of 2.3 m. The growth of banir (root sign) which is hefty makes this tree so majestic. Bangkirai is the main tree mascot Bengkirai Hill tourist areas as well as the name of this forest area.

Types of fauna that exists in the area of the Hill is a long-tailed monkey Bangkirai (Macaca fascicularis), wild boar (Susvittatus), the owa-owa (Hylobates muelleri), a monkey (Macaca nemestrina), one part red (Presbytus rubicunda), a flying squirrel (Squiler), as well as the sambar (Corvus unicolor).

The Hill is also rich with diverse Bangkirai Orchid that grows naturally in both the surviving trees or trees that are already dead. At least there are 45 kinds of orchids in this region, including the black Orchid (Coelegyne pandurata) which is the mascot of East Kalimantan. In addition to the garden of orchids, natural tourism area also features a 4 hectares of orchards.

Pampang Dayak Ethnic Cultural Village Presenting Cultural Tourism In The City Of Samarinda

penghuni desa pampang Pampang Dayak ethnic cultural village presenting cultural tourism in the city of Samarinda
The inhabitants of the village is derived Dayak Kenyah Pampang originally domiciled in the area Apokayan, West Kutai. They then moved gradually and formed settlements in Siring River area, 20 km from the city of Samarinda and named the settlement Pampang Village. In 1991, the official Government of East Kalimantan was officially set as the Village Cultural Village Pampang.
Villagers living Pampang run in accordance with the prevailing mores, custom build houses called Lamin, make crafts, and perform rituals regularly. Although still holding the indigenous Dayak applicable, the villagers Pampang, remain untouched by development progress. They go to school and wear the same everyday. Now even been rare Pampang Dayak people in the village which is still a long eared.
When visiting the village Pampang, along the driveway of the Village Gate Pampang, it would seem of rice cultivation. After 1 km will be visible residential population with houses typical Dayak Kenyah ornaments. Its main tourist attraction is the long-lamin or home as the center of the ongoing cultural activities. Inside there is a large room and lamin high with almost no bulkhead is decorated with carvings typical of the beautiful east Kalimantan.
desa adat pampang Pampang Dayak ethnic cultural village presenting cultural tourism in the city of Samarinda
On weekdays, the relative activity in the lamin does not exist, only enlivened by the mothers who sell their typical souvenirs such as decorative beads. Some sell accessories with original material from animals such as bears teeth, horns pig, and porcupine-hair comb. The original material of this animal is believed to have certain magical powers to cure diseases or antidote danger.
The new arts event held on Sunday with limited hours, the hours of 13:00 p.m. to 15:00 pm. Visitors will witness a traditional ceremony will be withdrawn paid Rp 2000 and Rp 5000 or $1 only tickets for the vehicle. Large-scale ceremonies are held once a year, known as the Pelas Year.
kerajinan pampang Pampang Dayak ethnic cultural village presenting cultural tourism in the city of Samarinda
Access to the Village Pampang relatively easy with a personal vehicle. From the city of Samarinda, visitors can take the road heading north, toward the way the City Bontang. After approximately 20 miles will look Pampang Village gate on the left side of the road. Once inside about 1 km will be visible Pampang village settlements. Unfortunately, not all of the driveway in good condition.
This region is the Dayak tribe as Cultural Park showing the cultural and artistic attractions such as the Dayak Indigenous art, crafts and others.
Performing arts and attractions that take place include:
  • Kancet Lasan
  • First Lieutenant Kancet Punan
  • Kancet Nyelama Sakai
  • Dance Hudog
  • Manyam Rope Dance
  • Dance Pamung Tawai
  • Dance hornbill
  • Dance Leleng

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