About Kutai Kartanegara

Kutai Kartanegara
Kutai Kartanegara Regency Kutai Kartanegara Coat Of Arms
Coat Of Arms Of Kutai Kartanegara
Motto: Bena Benua Etam
(Kutai): "Caring For Our Region"
Location of East Kalimantan, Kutai Kartanegara. svg
Map of location of Kutai Kartanegara
Coordinates: 58 ° 26 ' 28 "-117 ° 36 ' 43" E
1 ° 28 ' 21 "N-0 ° 08 ' 06" S
The Province Of East Kalimantan
The legal basis of the ACT No. 27 of 1959
The capital city of Tenggarong
-Regent Rita Widyasari
-BUDGETS Rp 3,73 billion (2007) [1]
-DAU of Rp. 1.365.820.000,-(2011) [2]
Spacious 27.263 .10 km2
-A Total of 626.286 inhabitants (2010)
-Density of 22,97 inhabitants/km2
Tribes of Kutai, Banjar, Dayak, Java
-Indonesian Language, Kutai
-Phone area code 0541 and 0542
Administrative divisions
-District 18
-Village of 225
Kutai Kartanegara Regency is a Regency of East Kalimantan province, Indonesia.
Kutai Kartanegara Regency has an area of 27.263 km ² and wide silver waters less 4,091 km² which is divided in 18 subdistrict and village/town with 225 total population reached 626.286 inhabitants (population census results in 2010).
Table of contents
1 area Limit
2 history
3 the topography
4 Demographics
5 Government
5.1 Regent
5.1.1 list of Regent of Kutai Kartanegara (including Regent of Kutai)
5.2 District
6 Elections
6.1 Kertanegara district Elections 2005
6.2 Kertanegara district Elections 2010
7 Economy
7.1 the GDP and per capita income
7.2 economic growth
8 Education
8.1 primary and secondary education
8.2 higher education
9 Sports
10 Tourism
10.1 nature tours
10.2 cultural tours
6.4 Tourism Education
11 see also
12 Reference
13 external links
[edit] Boundary area
Geographically Kutai Kartanegara lies between 116 ° 26 ' 28 "E-117 ° 36 ' 43" E and 1 ° 28 ' 21 "N-0 ° 08 ' 06" S with administrative boundaries as follows:
Malinau Regency North
Regency Penajam City North South Paser
West Kutai Regency West
East Kutai Regency East, Bontang and Makassar Strait
[edit] History
Kutai Kartanegara was a continuation of the Kutai Regency before going on the expansion area in 1999. The Kutai Regency himself, including the cities of Samarinda and Balikpapan, Bontang, previously a regional power of the Sultanate of Kutai Kartanegara ing Martadipura.
In 1947, the Sultanate of Kutai Kartanegara ing Martadipura with the status of Self-governing Regions of Kutai in East Kalimantan Federation along with 4 other Sultanates like Bulungan Sambaliung Mountain Sow, and sand.
Self-governing area converted into a Special Area of Kutai Kutai is the autonomous region/county-level special region on the basis of Emergency ACT No. 3 of 1953.
In 1959, the status of special region of Kutai led Sultan A.M. Parikesit removed. And on the basis of Act No. 27 of 1959, this area is divided into 4 Regencies, namely:
The municipality of Balikpapan Balikpapan with the capital
Samarinda municipality with capital of Samarinda
With the capital Tenggarong Kutai
With the end of the Special Area of Kutai, then ended up also powers the Sultan of Kutai Kartanegara ing Martadipura. In a specially convened LEGISLATIVE special region of Kutai on 21 January 1960, Sultan of Kutai Kartanegara A.M. Parikesit formally handed power to the Aji Raden Padmo as Regent of Kutai, Captain Soedjono as Mayor of Samara and A.R. Sayid Mohammad as the Mayor of Balikpapan.
In 1999, the territory was split up into 4 Kutai autonomous region on the basis of Act No. 47 of 1999, i.e.:
The Kutai Regency capital Tenggarong
West Kutai Regency with capital Sendawar
East Kutai Regency with capital Sangatta
Bontang with capital of Bontang
To distinguish the Kutai Regency as the result of the expansion, the name was eventually renamed Regency Kutai Kartanegara through RI Government Regulation No. 8 of 2002 on "the name change Be Kutai Regency Kutai Kartanegara". The term Kutai Kartanegara was a proposal from the President of Indonesia Abdurrahman Wahid when opening the Congress I Association of County Government Throughout Indonesia (APKASI) of Tenggarong in 2000.
[edit] Topography
The topography of the region is mostly undulating and hilly with steep ramps up to kelerengan. Flat slope area with ramps up there in some parts, i.e., the coastal areas and the Mahakam River. In the area of inland and border in General is an area of mountains with elevations between 500 to 2,000 m above sea level.
Lakes located in Kutai Kartanegara, among others:
Lake Semayang (13,000 ha)
Lake Traverse (11,000 ha)
Lake Ngayau (1,900 ha)
Lake Tempatung (1,300 ha)
Lake Mulupan (750 ha)
Lake Siran (750 ha)
Lake Perian (750 ha)
Wis Lake (750 ha)
Coral Lakes (750 ha)
Lake Attraction Kang (450 ha)
Stone Lake Herbs (450 ha)
Lake Meranbi (350 ha)
Lake Puan Manure (350 ha)
Lake S'kajo (100 ha).
Lake Clay (45 ha)
Lake Man
[edit] Demographics
The population of Kutai Kartanegara based P4B 2005 recorded reached 547.422 inhabitants. Residents living in Kutai Kartanegara region consists of the indigenous population, such as:
The Kutai
Dayak Benuaq
Dayak Tunjung
Dayak Bahau
Dayak Modang
Dayak Kenyah
Dayak Punan
Dayak Kayan
While the population of immigrants are:
Banjar People
The Bugis
The Buton
The Timor
The pattern of the spread of the population largely adhering to existing transport patterns. The Mahakam River is the artery for local transportation. This state of affairs caused most of the settlement's population is concentrated on the banks of the Mahakam River and its tributaries. Areas that are some distance from the banks of the river where there was not yet a relative lack of road infrastructure are filled with neighborhood residents.
Most of the population lived in rural Kutai Kartanegara, i.e. achieving a number of which 75.7%, whereas 24.3% are located in urban areas. While the livelihood of most of the population in the agricultural sector, industry/38,25% 18,37%, Commerce crafts 10,59% and others 32,79%.
[edit] Government
[edit] Regent
Ruler of Kutai Kartanegara is currently the Vice Regent Rita Widyasari along Gufron Joseph. Rita Widyasari is the first female magistrate in East Kalimantan.
In the exercise of his Government, the Regent and Vice Regent of Kutai Kartanegara Regency Secretary assisted currently replacing Haryanto Bachroel. Government of Kutai Kartanegara also form some government institutions to carry out the tasks of public service which consists of 6 Autonomous Service region and Badan, 9 8 Office area.
[edit] List of Regent of Kutai Kartanegara (including Regent of Kutai)
No. Photo Name Period Description
1. A.M. Parikesit 1950-1960 special region Chief of Kutai
2. A. R. Padmo 1960–1964 Regent KDH Kutai first Level II after the end of the Special Area of Kutai
3. Roesdibiyono 1964-1965
4. Drs. h. Achmad Dahlan 1965 – 1979 was elected Regent of Kutai for 3 consecutive period until his death due to accident
5. Drs. h. Awang Faisjal 1979-1984
6. Drs. h. Chaidir Hafiedz 1984–1989
7. Drs. h. Sjafran 1989-1994 Said
8. Drs. h. Maulana Ahmad Sulaiman, MSc 1994–1999
9. Drs. h. 55,17 Hasan Rais, um 1999–2004 Regent Kutai Kartanegara first expansion after the Kutai Regency
10. h. Awang Dharma Bakti, ST, MT 2004–2005 acting (caretaker) Regent of Kutai Kartanegara replaces 55,17%, but rejected most of the Community legislative and
11. Drs. Hadi Sutanto 2005 Became acting (caretaker) Regent of Kutai Kartanegara after Minister revise the DECREE Appointing Awang Dharma Bakti
12. Prof. Dr. h. 55,17 Hasan Rais, um 2005–2006 was elected through the elections Kutai Kartanegara June 1, 2005
13. Drs. h. Samsuri Aspar, MM 2006–2008 Be executing task (plt.) Regent of Kutai Kartanegara replaces 55,17% are exposed to legal cases
14. Drs. h. Sjachruddin MS 2008-2009 became acting (pj.) Regent of Kutai Kartanegara for approximately 15 months
15. Sulaiman Gafur 2009-2010 became acting (pj.) Regent of Kutai Kartanegara replaces Sjahruddin and was inaugurated on November 30, 2009
16. Rita Widyasari 2010-present elected the first woman magistrate in East Kalimantan and sworn in on June 30, 2010 with Vice Regent Gufron Joseph [3]

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